Payment Services
Retail payments experts MWC Partners provide retail payment services for European and U.S. payment services providers (PSPs). We are the leading independent integrator of retail payment systems in the UK.
MWC Partners understand the challenges of integrating PSP payment software to retail POS solutions. Our PSP to POS integration expertise spans a wide range of electronic payment types – from PSPs that process bank cards, to digital wallets, Buy Now Pay Later companies and pay-by-link. We have built integrations, amongst others, for Adyen, Alma, Cybersource, FreedomPay, HiPay, Klarna, Payworks, Planet and Worldpay.
Our payment services include:

Product and sector consultancy – we help PSPs to develop new products and optimise existing ones by advising on the challenges associated with bringing eCommerce-focused payment solutions to the retail environment.

Technical consultancy – we help retailers choose a PSP by preparing RFIs and ITTs, running the selection process, shortlisting vendors, hosting solution presentations and providing technical advice on the right choice of payment software.

Test management – we manage the testing process for PSPs whose solutions may be implemented with multiple POS solutions across the retail, hospitality and car park sectors. We run workshops to understand the integration requirements, configure test terminals, advise how to develop the integration and run the validation process on behalf of PSPs to confirm that the integration works as intended.

Project & integration management – we manage the integration process between PSPs and third-party POS. We write technical and functional specifications and provide advice on each of the stages of integration.

Outsourcing – we take on, manage and support 3rd-party payment connectors. We will write documentation, provide bug fixes and develop software enhancements to make the solution fully functional for the retail environment.